Megan has been mentoring young people for the past twelve years. Her journey began as a classroom teacher, during which she taught high school, community college, and undergraduate students. During her last year of teaching, she was awarded "teacher of the year" for her capacity to connect deeply with her the young people in her care.

More recently, Megan helped design a mindfulness and yoga curriculum for the largest scientific study ever conducted on the use of contemplative practices in school settings. The curriculum was taught to more than 20,000 students over the course of five years. The curriculum was deemed so successful that at the conclusion of the study, the school board adopted it for use in all of the schools in the district. The curriculum will be made available for use by schools across the country in early 2022. 

Megan is a passionate advocate for social justice and has an undergraduate degree in African American Studies from the University of Virginia and a masters degree in African Diaspora Studies from the University of California at Berkeley. She also has a background in both Eastern and Western psychology and has a masters degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.